Genwealth Capital

[Video] Investor Decks And Underwriting Assumptions

In this webinar we discuss what you should do before investing in your first passive real estate deal. We also dive into which assumptions to pull from investor decks and explain how those assumptions affect investor returns. Lastly, we list the top questions we ask sponsors before investing in deals.    

[Video] Fire to 259% Return – The Story

Here is the recording of our recent webinar were we take a deep dive into our recent full-cycle multifamily deal where we provided a 259% return in 3 years. See the detailed business plan, challenges and results as we took this deal from start to finish.  

Why Full-Cycle Deals Matter

Going full-cycle on a real estate deal is an important milestone. It shows that team members have taken a property to the finish line from purchase to sale, implementing a business plan, and overcoming challenges along the way.  There is nothing passive about operating large assets. During a multi-year hold period, a team will encounter … Read more

Multifamily Real Estate In Recessions

Is it finally official? With the latest economic data showing a 0.6% contraction in GDP, let’s call a duck a duck. We are in a recession. Multifamily real estate can be a more reliable and recession-resistant asset during a downturn. It tends to outperform other types of commercial real estate simply because it serves a … Read more

The Importance of Capital Preservation

What first interested you in real estate syndications? Most likely, it was the potential to diversify your wealth away from the stock market and maybe even double your money. Who doesn’t love a good double-up? We sure do. You aren’t alone in giving priority to earning a solid return. Returns are the primary focus of … Read more

What Does It Mean To Be An Accredited Investor?

Once you dive into the real estate investing world, it won’t be long before you hear the term “Accredited Investor.” Once you notice how many passive commercial real estate or crowdfunded investment opportunities are publicly advertised and therefore limited to accredited investors, you may get curious.  Even if you’re a total newbie, it’s essential to know the … Read more

8 Differences Between REITs And Real Estate Syndications

If real estate investing seems interesting to you, but you’d rather avoid becoming a landlord, you’re not alone. Fixing toilet emergencies at 3 am isn’t appealing to most people. It’s one of the primary reasons we are selling some of our personally owned smaller assets.  The next logical step that many investors take is toward … Read more

5 Strategies To Diversify Your Real Estate Portfolio

Diversification is a risk management strategy that mixes various investments within a single portfolio. The purpose of diversification is to not get caught with all of your eggs in one basket during a significant downturn, thereby preserving capital for the long haul.  How many of you reading this have a financial advisor that has claimed … Read more